Samu – from a summer job to building a career

Samu works as a production engineer at Ouneva’s sheet metal factory. He began his career at Ouneva Group four years ago with a summer job at Jotwire. While studying to become an engineer, Samu found his way back to us as a colleague through his thesis work. His career at the Group continued quite naturally after completing his thesis.
Before joining Ouneva Group, Samu gained diverse experience in summer jobs alongside his studies in the industrial sector and various factory environments. His thesis focused on utilizing an enterprise resource planning (ERP) system in production planning. Through this, Samu was responsible for implementing a new maintenance system. During the thesis process, Samu realized that he wanted to stay and work at Ouneva. This position is Samu’s first permanent job after his studies.
After completing his thesis, Samu spent another summer working at Ouneva in tasks very similar to what he does now. When the summer job ended, he was offered his current role as a production engineer. The role involves many responsibilities related to equipment maintenance, and Samu also serves as the supervisor for the maintenance team. Additionally, he is now the supervisor for the warehouse and shipping department. His job also includes some tasks related to property maintenance. Samu appreciates that, in addition to office work, he gets to engage in more hands-on activities. He sums up his role by saying he ensures at a high level that production equipment operates smoothly. Regarding the organization, Samu mentions that the role boundaries are not overly rigid. He can take on diverse tasks ranging from planning to communicating with equipment manufacturers and maintenance partners.
What motivates Samu in his work is precisely its versatility. Like many others at Ouneva Group, Samu says that no two days are the same. He enjoys continuously learning new things and developing by tackling new challenges. His areas of responsibility are clearly defined, and he can manage them independently. According to Samu, he has a lot of freedom in how he works. He also praises the encouragement for independent decision-making at Ouneva, which he sees as something that strongly enhances his professional skills.
When asked about stereotypes in the industrial sector, Samu has a strong opinion that these fade away once you see what the work is really like. Even in white-collar roles, the job involves much more than just sitting at a computer. Samu spends a lot of time on the production floor, working on diverse projects with different people. With automation and technological advancements, job descriptions are often very different from what people generally imagine. Samu has high praise for the work being done at Ouneva’s sheet metal factory. The level of automation is high, and new technological solutions are embraced with an open mind.