Ecovadis assessment of Ouneva

A part of Ouneva Group has been evaluated through EcoVadis in 2023. This assessment involved the Ouneva branch, which includes Ouneva, Valukumpu, Top Speed and Alsiva. EcoVadis is the biggest sustainability rating service for businesses. The companies are evaluated on their environmental efforts, ethics, labour and human rights and sustainable procurement practices.

Ouneva reached the Silver medal in the evaluation, which means that the business belongs to the top 25 % of all the evaluated companies. More than 1,6 million companies have been assessed through EcoVadis, which means the silver medal is a very good result for Ouneva!

The assessment will be done for the Jotwire branch next. In accordance with our sustainability strategy and our values, we continuously develop our operations. The assessment has given us a great direction for our improvement efforts and now we get to work towards the goals.

More about out sustainability strategy here.